Photo Scanning
Quality Digital Scanning Price List
All Prices include GST.
All prices exclude cost of printing.
All scans saved as .jpg files (saved as tiff files on request)
Transfer files to your USB (or you can purchase one instore), or we can forward to you via we transfer
Minimum charge is $10.00
Negative and Positive Slides (cut or mounted):
Low Res Scan (good for printing up to 6”x8” print) – 6mb scans @ 300dpi
Medium Res Scan (good for printing up to 12”x18” print) – 55mb scans @ 300dpi
High Res Scan (good for printing up to 20”x30” print) – 150mb scans @ 300dpi
Ex-High Res Scan (good for printing up to 30”x45” print) – 340mb scans @ 300dpi
Printed Images (up to A4 size):
Low Res Scan (good for printing up to 6”x8” print) – 6mb scans @ 300dpi
Medium Res Scan (good for printing up to 12”x18” print) – 55mb scans @ 300dpi
High Res Scan (good for printing up to 20”x30” print) – 150mb scans @ 300dpi
Ex-High Res Scan (good for printing up to 30”x45” print) – 340mb scans @ 300dpi
Printed Images (larger than A4):
For image large than A4 prices are as above x2 (requires 2 scans) plus $10.00 joining fee.
Scan and email Image:
Ex-Low Res Scan (good for printing up to 6”x4” print) – 1mb scans.
Photo Restoration
Photo Retouching and Enhancement
We will digitally restore old/damaged photos, after restoration we can reprint or enlarge to suit. Preserve your cherished memories before it is to late.
We will scan your image then digitally retouch your image to remove:
Age Blemishes
Small imperfections
Red Eyes
Blur Background
Remove people from background
Light Colour restoration
Change Colour/Sepia Images to Black & White
Pricing Starts from $25.00
Price range can vary based on the complexity of the retouching required.
Restored images can be save on your USB or we can We Transfer to you.